Biodiversity and species diversity play a central role in our planet’s ecosystem. Every year on April 13th the International Plant Appreciation Day is celebrated. This day reminds us of the importance of the flora and the precious use of its resources. Plants are real multi-talents, they produce oxygen, they are the basis for food and they can be used as botanical remedies and stimulants.
Bodenwunder, the sustainable, peat- and weed-free organic potting soil does not only provide plants with important nutrients and power, it also promotes their growth. Moreover, Bodenwunder stands for the appreciation of plants and the preservation of diverse habitats. Bodenwunder, which is based on the "cycle of nature", strengthens the soil structure and thus makes an important contribution to plant health.
Through Bodenwunder, the habitat "soil/earth" is given a way to regain a balanced C:N ratio. If the C:N ratio is right, water can be stored again and subsequently made available to the plants. Thus, the falling rain is not directed into rain catch basins, which are very small anyway, but is made available to the plants in a natural way.
Give your ecological footprint a green thumb: with Bodenwunder!
