After the harsh temperatures of the last few months, spring is finally just around the corner!
Just in time for the start of the gardening season, our 100% natural, odorless Bodenwunder fertilizer pellets have now been filled for the first time - they are now available in 1 kg and 2.5 kg carton packs.
What a BODENWUNDERful timing! Because now in spring is the ideal time to feed the soil. Due to the naturally contained N/P/K fertilizer, Bodenwunder also provides valuable nutrients to the plants. So with our sustainable natural fertilizer you are doubly prepared for the coming season.
The best thing about Bodenwunder fertilizer pellets? They are equipped with natural immediate and long-term effect. The contained microorganisms actively revitalize the soil and promote its water storage capacity. As our fertilizer pellets are odorless and compatible for humans and animals, they are universally applicable and also promote humus formation!
Here is a short sneak peak behind the scenes of the filling: